
A 4-Day Summer Camp.

Get ready for SonFun, a 4 day summer camp packed full of fun and adventure for kids who have finished Kindergarten through 5th grade!

Monday, June 17 - Thursday, June 20
8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Gaithersburg Campus

Regular Pricing
Registration closes June 14

Register Now

Serve as a Student Volunteer!

Currently 11-17 year old.

Student volunteers currently 11-13 year old, can serve alongside their parent (guardian), or a sibling 17 year old.


Serve as an Adult Volunteer!

18 years old and older.

Childcare is available for Adult Volunteers on the days you're volunteering. Upon the adult registering to serve, a link is provided on the form to register your birth-Kindergartener.
